Improving Auditing Skills
World of Auditing operates globally and provides high-quality training programs in many different languages, including English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish, and Hindi.
Our auditing skills training program is designed to address critical aspects in three different areas:
- Technical Skills
- Human Skills
- Strategic Skills
Technical Skills Training Program
Our technical skills training program is designed to provide knowledge and understanding of processes and general food safety elements. It enables participants to identify risks and opportunities through a holistic approach.
I. Process-Specific Technical Training Program
Our unique Process-Specific Technical Training Program consists of 5 main parts and is customized per your internal and specific requirements.
1.Introduction: This part of the training introduces the process and product. This training section also talks about the regulations and incidents to set expectations.
2.Process: This part of the training is to take the audience through the main steps of the particular manufacturing operation while explaining the science behind the process. The training essentially describes:
- Ingredients and packaging materials; attributes, chemistry, receipt, and handling
- Manufacturing steps; from ingredient mix to the final product
- Utilities; water, steam, air
- Equipment; including kill steps and validation
This will help the audience understand the why, how, and what.
3. Food Safety Risks: This part of the training discusses the food safety risks associated with the particular process. We present actual incidents and interactively discuss food safety issues, focusing on what went wrong and what mitigation measures must be considered.
4. Auditing: This part of the training is structured solely on how to audit a manufacturing operation. We provide some best practices and create an environment for discussions on tactics for an audit driving increased value.
5.Final Case Study: Each training session ends with a final case study which allows the audience to reflect on the learning.

Our Process Specific Technical Training Program includes modules such as – but not limited to:
• Dairy
• Chocolate
• Biscuit
• Ice-Cream
• Candy
• Beverage
• Others

II. General Food Safety Specific Technical Training Program
Our General Food Safety Specific Technical Training Program is structured through five sections and customized as per your internal requirements and specific needs:
1.Introduction: The first part of the training provides background and introduction to the concept. This section also talks about the regulations and incidents to set expectations.
2.Key Principles: This part of the training is structured around the science and key principles of the subject. The objective is to provide an overall understanding of why those principles are necessary and critical to food safety and what the implications are when those are not followed.
3.Risk Assessment and Control Measures: This part of the training is dedicated to understanding how a robust risk assessment will be completed while discussing the control measures to implement.
4.Auditing: This part is structured solely on how to audit that particular subject as part of a QFS audit while building links to the other elements of the food safety management systems. The discussions are structured to provide a holistic evaluation rather than notes made in isolation.
5.Final Case Study: Each training session ends with a final case study which allows the audience to reflect on the learning.
Our General Food Safety Specific Technical Training Program includes modules such as – but not limited to:
• PRPs
• Allergen management
• Zoning and Environmental Monitoring
• Others
Human Skills Training Program
One can be a great technical expert, but this does not necessarily make the person a great auditor. The success of an audit depends on how the auditor blends the existing technical skills with the right level of human skills.
Our human skills training program aims to develop and improve the right level of knowledge and expertise in successfully managing the auditing process for the auditor and the auditee.

Our Human Skills Training Program includes modules such as – but not limited to:
• Interviewing Skills
• Change Management
• Conflict Management
• Report Writing
• Others

Strategic Skills Training Program
Strategic skills act like a well-maintained agitator blending technical and human skills. Without strategic and critical thinking skills, it is not possible to demonstrate the required professionalism to generate increased value for the business.
Our strategic skills training program targets high-potential individuals who are willing to take the positions defining the future strategy for the audit organizations or any strategic role within the organizations.
Our Strategic Skills Training Program includes modules such as – but not limited to:
• Understanding the Business
• Systems Thinking
• Critical Thinking
• Value Creation Through Audits
• Others